I don't feel faint
when I stand up now, so I'm writing this. I also can't
really eat or drink anything until my mouth stops
bleeding. It's been 24 hours since I've last had something
to eat.
My friend Randy came by and
helped me take care of a few errands. I think waiting
in the office, relaying things between my mom and
the securitaries, and filling out forms took more
time than the surgery.
The first thing they did was
take an x-ray of my whole head and explained what
would happen. I was hooked up with a noxtrous oxide
oxygen mask until I felt woosy. I'm not sure why,
but I kept wanting to look at the yerf.com
recent uploads. Nothing mattered
to me at that moment, except wanting to sleep A.S.A.P.
The doctor had a time finding my vein because I couldn't
make a fist. He had to bend my arm back to find one.
When it was over, I was asked
to stand up with some assistance. I remember that
and them explaining something to Randy and walking
to Randy's car, because petals fell on it from a nearby
tree. I don't remember getting into the car, going
into my house, or laying down. The last thing I remember
was Randy looking for a plastic bag to put ice in.
Then I fell asleep.
My mom got home later and helped
me replace my gauze. She said at 7PM. she was going
to pick up my codine pain medication. I slept on and
off for a while. Around 11PM I decided to finally
go use the bathroom but was very faint. After some
time, the dizziness wore off.
Something I requested the doctor
to do before the proceedure was to let me keep the
tooth. I have it in a small pink envelope near my
gause envelope. I showed my dad, who thought it looked
very small.