I have to say
that besides many of Long Island's drivers, the people
in the Radio Shack nearby aren't the brightest. While
on my quest for 800 speed film, this was a conversation
I had with a salesman:
me: Hi. Do you sell 800 speed
salesman: You're looking for a phone?
me: No, 800 speed film.
salesman: Oh, you're looking for an 800 speed phone.
We both walk down the aisle.
me: No. I'm looking for FILM.
salesman: I don't think we carry 800 speed phones.
me: FILM.
salesman: Oh, okay.
We walk down another aisle.
salesman: What do you use it
me: It's 35 MM FILM! You USE it in a CAMERA.
salesman: I'm sorry. We don't sell film here.
me: Okay.